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Medicine Hat Employee Engagement Surveys Infrequent and In Camera Pt 1

Many of us candidates heard complaints from city workers about a toxic workplace, nepotism, waste and bullying. Council created the Council Employee Committee (CEC) and initiated an Employee Engagement Survey (EES). Our Acting City Manager (ACM) is not happy the CEC was created nor does she want the Council to have departmental level results. She actually said it would be a violation of the Code of Conduct.

Did You Know?

The City of Calgary does an EES every year.

The departmental results are posted publicly.

I guess Calgary’s City Manager (CM) doesn’t think it’s a violation. Of course he’s a Civil Engineer with extensive experience and training in running a city. Our ACM’s entire career before coming here was working for oil/ gas companies.

Calgary has far more employees so I don’t expect departmental level results to be made public but Council is entitled to that information In Camera. The last EES was in 2017, again results not made public. Every 5 years is NOT enough!

In 2017 former Police Chief (now City Councilor) Andy McGrogan initiated an EES of the MHPS.

He used the City’s HR department instead of an outside source. I think using HR was very unwise even though they did a good job. That sort of thing can cause resentment and division between city departments.

The results weren’t made public. The Chief said it was provided to the Medicine Hat Police Commission (MHPC) but the minutes don’t reflect that. The results WERE provided to the media by a source.

These words were used

Old Boys Club, Poison, Toxic, Cliquey, Sgt Clique, morale, cronyism, High School

January 2019 the Chief said

“There was some presentations given to commission...There's really nothing that our governing body doesn't know about our operations that is significant that they should know ”

News Article

So who determines what is significant and what they should know? I’d sure like to know.

When the Chief was asked about it he said, “It’s an internal matter.” Councilor Andy McGrogan did campaign on being more transparent. Let’s hope his views have changed since 2019.

More to come!

#kasosumh #communityTV #andymcgrogan #mhpc #mhps #survey #yxh #toxic #oldboysclub #poison