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Total Eclipse of the Moon Tonight

I know it’s not a pic of the moon or an eclipse but it’s probably a good spot to watch the eclipse from in Crescent Heights. This is the path by the bluff overlooking the river

There’s a total lunar eclipse tonight. Yes I normally write about local issues but I have an interest in sciencey events too. This is a sciencey event that will be visible locally.

The moon was full last night so as long as the weather cooperates, the eclipse will be spectacular. It’s a perfect Date Night activity or a Mental Health activity to just be and recharge for the coming week.

Moonrise in Medicine Hat is at 8:54pm, the eclipse will be total at 10:11pm.

There’s going to be a ton of people taking far better pics of the eclipse with far better cameras so I’m probably just going to leave my phone in my pocket for the most part. If anyone was with me I’d take pics of them with the eclipse but of the eclipse itself, I’ll leave that to the experts. I might take a couple for my file photos but I plan to just relax, maybe I’ll bring a thermos and a snack.

Mmmmmmmm rum and hot chocolate sound good!

Where will you watch it from?

(I’ll have another post on local surveys later today. Stay tuned!)