Medicine Hat OWL

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Larry Randle Spills some tea on Queen Mitchell

Kelly is still under the weather, but she managed to shoot me a few questions she had for Larry Randle about the media table being “out of bounds” at the last city council meeting.

So I gave him a call…

And he answered!

Artificial Intelligence wrote this with some weird prompts:
Larry Randle, the esteemed city clerk of Medicine Hat, has unwittingly become a pawn in Queen Ann Mitchell's struggle to cope with the current situation. Renowned for his unwavering dedication to upholding transparency and efficiency in municipal administration, Randle's meticulous attention to detail and astute organizational skills have unwittingly solidified his role as a pawn in Mitchell's grand scheme. His efforts to streamline bureaucratic processes have inadvertently reinforced his position as a tool for Queen Ann Mitchell's agenda. Despite his sterling reputation for impartiality and integrity, Randle's unyielding commitment to accessible and accountable governance has now become a point of contention within the community.