Cult-based charity scam from the Philippines

last summer I was in the wal-mart parking lot in medicine hat, Alberta, and a woman approached me asking for cash donations "to save the children". I asked questions and took photos of her material, she contacted a man who came to tell me to stop filming. I continued filming and asked them for identification. They did not provide it. I called the Medicine Hat police, who responded and spoke with them. I called the phone number on the website and didn't get any reasonable answers.

here is that video:

 I called them to try and find out more.

nothing but frustration, they wouldn't discuss identification, or name tags...

here is that call:

this summer they came to my door. The lady lied about collecting money for a local school, and I called her out on that when I saw her CHILDREN'S JOY FOUNDATION materials.

the update:


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