Medicine Hat Employee Engagement Surveys - Infrequent and In Camera Pt 3

Let’s Hope for Better This Time

The Timing of Survey Results Can Be Crucial

I found it interesting that around the time of the survey results, the Medicine Hat Police Commission (MHPC) unanimously extended the Chief’s contract. Had they seen the results before this happened?

Here’s what our former police chief said in January 2019 when he was asked about it.

Chief “There's really nothing that our governing body doesn't know about our operations that is significant that they should know.”

(And who decides what’s significant and what they should know?)

Question “Do you recall what meeting the results of these surveys were presented?”

Chief “I’d have to look it up but we would have a record, probably in closed.”

There’s no record that it was discussed at all in the minutes, just an announcement at the Nov 2017 MHPC meeting that they’d approved the contract extension.

Here’s the video Media Scrum After the January 2019 MHPC Meeting

Here’s the link to the 2017 minutes. 2017 MHPC Minutes

January 2019 Con’t

Question “Can you describe the discussion that led to the renewal of your contract as chief, who requested an extension?”

Chief (laughing) “I’m not talking about that.”

Question “Why not?”

Chief (chuckling) “It’s none of your business”

I was a little irritated at that answer. I expected to hear something like

“All employment issues are confidential, I cannot discuss it”

but this came across as

“Haha, I’m not gonna tell you and you can’t make me.”

Questions were asked of the MHPC chair that night, the answers were not any more enlightening.

See above video link.

Why should we care about what happened in 2017 or 2019?

Because past behaviour is the best predictor of future behaviour.

I see nothing about the survey on the May 16 City Council Agenda. They were supposed to receive the survey results in Closed at this meeting.

I’d like to see another survey for the MHPS to see the change from 2017.

Let’s Hope

- results will be public

- next time an outside agency will do it

- there won’t be any contract extensions/ raises / promotions before departmental level survey results are known to Council and/or Commission

- that the next City Manager actually has experience in civic issues

Let’s Hope

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Employee Engagement Survey (EES) - Council Employee Meeting (CEC)Today


Medicine Hat Employee Engagement Surveys Infrequent and In Camera Pt 2