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Who Runs The Sun City Sentinel? Community TV /The Trash Panda Found Out!

By Kelly Allard

The Sun City Sentinel, a mysterious online “news” source came into existence July 26 2023.

This “news” source comes with a warning to not rely on what it publishes, saying

No Reliance

  1. The content on our Website is provided for general information purposes only. It is not intended to amount to advice on which you should rely. You must obtain more specific or professional advice before taking, or refraining from, any action or inaction on the basis of the content on our site.”

It also publishes “commentary” without naming the author. In my opinion this is cowardly and explains why they use so much yellow on their site. When I read something, the very first thing that comes to my mind is

Consider the Source”

Does the author have an ulterior motive, do they benefit from this point of view?

I find the date curious, it was only 9 days after the July 17 2023 Regular Council Meeting when Mayor Clark (and Ramona Robins) was absent. The 7 Council members postponed 2nd reading of Procedure Bylaw 4725 after asking for not one, not two, but 14 Amendments. I have never seen 14 amendments proposed for one bylaw. It is pretty obvious that they were prepared. They all had sheets and sheets of amendments. (I will detail this at a later date.)

Community TV /The Trash Panda has obtained the corporate records of this company and has discovered the following:

The numbered company 2115293 Alberta Ltd (Sun City Sentinel) has been in existence for 6 years.

There is one director.

Craig Elder

Craig Elder’s day job is a business called Elder and Punko Wealth Advisors of RBC Dominion Securities Inc.

The voting shareholders is represented by the numbered company 1242981 Alberta Ltd.

There is an Associated Registration under the Partnership Act called West Coast Whiskey Limited Partnership. I cannot find any information about West Coast Whiskey Limited Partnership.

We did a search on 1242981 Alberta Ltd too.

Again, it has one director

Craig Elder

It has two voting shareholders who each hold 50% of the shares who reside at the same address in the Ranchlands area in Medicine Hat.

Donna Elder

Craig Elder

1242981 Alberta Ltd is holding shares in

Gas City Ventures Inc

Venture 5 Capital Inc

2115293 (Sun City Sentinel)

It also has an Associated Registration under the Partnership Act called Laugh Riot Productions. I cannot find any information about Laugh Riot Productions.

(The documents will be uploaded after redactions, I will not dox the people named.)

More about Craig Elder

July 2020 Elder objected to a greenhouse development when he lived in a rural area of Cypress County (according to the documents, Elder now lives in Medicine Hat). The greenhouse proposal was later withdrawn.

June 2020 Elder was elected to the board of Ronald McDonald House Charities Alberta.

Coincidentally, Councillor Cassi Hider is general manager of the local Ronald McDonald house. Elder donated $1000 to Hider’s 2021 election campaign. After the October 2021 civic election Hider stated in a Medicine Hat News interview (she refused to be interviewed by Community TV) that

There’s been a lot of emphasis on ‘Ra-Ra female power, and ‘Helen Reddy, here me roar.’ and it’s not that I don’t disparage that – of course I am a 50-year-old woman and I am proud to be that,” Hider said. “But we also need to recognize that Andy McGrogan, Darren Hirsch, Robert Dumanowski, these are great people. I want to work with them and make great decisions for our community.”

Incumbent Councillor Darren Hirsch also received $1000 from an Alfred Elder (It is unclear whether or not it is the same person as Mr A. Craig Elder).

On Elder’s website they state

”The Elder and Punko Wealth Advisors Group is proud to work with a small and select group of affluent families that value a trusted relationship with their financial advisor.  We are honored to have had long-term relationships with many of our clients, which now includes first, second, and even third generations of a family.”

Again, when I see an article, I think “Consider the Source”.

When someone says they deal with “a small and select group of affluent families”, I’m not getting the impression that they are looking out for peasants like me, I’m getting the impression that they are looking to line their own pockets. They might join groups that do good works, they might point to how much money they donate and tell people that makes them philanthropists. I don’t buy it.

I asked Craig Elder for a comment; I also asked him numerous questions. The only response I received was a thank you for driving traffic to their site.

Mr Elder - That might not mean what you think it means. Have you ever noticed rubberneckers driving by a bad wreck? Just because people exhibit morbid curiosity does not mean money in your pocket..

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