Unearthed bones halt construction on 3rd

City police examine bone fragments uncovered during construction work at the intersection of Third Street and Sixth Avenue in the downtown on the afternoon of Sept. 19, 2024.

Police were called to a downtown construction site late Thursday morning after work crews uncovered a number of bones.

The find was reported to police who were on site recovering bone fragments.

Construction at the site located right in the middle of the intersection of Third St. and Sixth Ave. SE ground to a halt along the whole stretch of roadway.

Attempts by Community TV in discerning any protocol by the city of Medicine Hat for such finds have been unsuccessful.

Those inquiries stretch back several weeks and stem from multiple sources providing information regarding the recovery of human remains at another city project construction site at the water treatment facility.

Construction at that site was stalled for six months due to the find which the city won’t confirm or deny was Indigenous in nature.

Deep utility construction on Belfast Street several years ago halted construction for several weeks.

Work crews were back excavating the intersection by Thursday afternoon.


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