Mayor Clark Apologizes, City Manager Wants More

The Apology

Mayor Clark back in Chair position at the horseshoe. Clark entered Council Chambers to a round of cheers and applause from about 75 people.

A giant card of support was making the rounds of the people in Council Chambers

Mayor Clark did apologize to City Manager (CM) Ann Mitchell at the Sept 3 2024 City Council meeting

Clark said that she did not intend to cause any harm, but she recognized that she did cause harm by her questioning of the CM on August 21 2023. Mayor Clark said she was sorry for that.

CM Mitchell wanted a chance to respond. Mayor Clark said it was Councillor Announcements; Mitchell said “I can wait”.

MItchell should have read the room. The spectators at Tuesday’s meeting were not impressed when City Manager Mitchell accepted the mayor’s apology with a caveat - she wanted Mayor Clark to apologize to the City. Various boos and other outbursts ensued.


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