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“On The Record” Meeting About Shelters Tonight at the Library

The meeting tonight at the Medicine Hat Public Library is hosted by the Medicine Hat Community Housing Society and the Mustard Seed, police are NOT invited.

Kelly spoke with Jaime Rogers, Manager of Homeless and Housing Development for the MHCHS, on Monday. Jaime told Kelly that of course recording is permitted as it is a public meeting in a public space. Rogers added that the police are NOT invited to this meeting. This comes after Tom from the MH Owl was literally thrown out of the police station for refusing to stop recording a meeting held on Oct 8 about the same issue. Three officer threw Tom ou the front door of the police station to the ground where he writhed in agony after the officers injured Tom at the behest of police chief Alan Murphy. This is why they called this session

“On The Record”

Both Tom and Kelly filed complaints in October about the violations of section 2b of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Medicine Hat Police Commission is in the process of consulting with a lawyer to make sure the complaint is handled properly.

Tom spoke with Rogers on the phone on Dec 31 after seeing her at the Dec 19 Development and Infrastructure Committee meeting where an emergency shelter was under discussion.

RSVP detail in photo.

MLA Justin Wright posted on his social media that he will be in attendance.