Mental Health Matters

With all that is going on in the world today, many people are feeling anxiety; I’m one of them. There is nothing major going on in my life but all the little things add up and can cause mental health to decline. 

Everybody has a different way of looking at the world. What some might consider a major setback will seem like nothing to another person. Sometimes it’s the smallest thing that sets us off, the proverbial straw. Sometimes it’s pregnancy hormones - I used to cry at the drop of a hat or a spill of the milk, or or or. Sometimes it’s Compassion Fatigue which is also called Vicarious or Secondary Trauma. I had to teach my children (and myself) that you cannot help everybody - you end up with nothing left for yourself. It takes a toll on your own mental health which can then take a toll on the mental health of those around you. 

Some people think they can handle anxiety just fine by talking to friends or family or coworkers. That indeed can be helpful - to the person who is talking. The ones listening may become overwhelmed when people dump on them. We as Canadians are programmed to be helpful if we can, we often think it is selfish when we say no. Even when we do say no we often feel the need to justify saying no, we search for an excuse.

We need to stop Thinking that way

NO  is a complete sentence

CB the Truck Kitty showing his dominance to the world in 2012. He turns 14 in 2025.

If you give someone an explanation, they’ll think of a reason why you can say yes.

It is NOT selfish to say no, you cannot pour from an empty cup. You must look after yourself before you can look after others. Just like the airplane safety instructions tell you, put the oxygen over your own face before putting it on others.

I’m getting better at handling my anxiety but it still creeps up on me. I saw my BHC (Behavioural Health Consultant) today. I normally see them once a month but my next appointment is in 2 weeks. They saw how much I have been going through lately and suggested a shorter time frame. 

I find going to a BHC very helpful. I tell them things that I do not want to burden my family with. When my late husband Carl was on life support, I saw my BHC once a week. I spoke to them of my fears. I couldn’t talk to my family about those fears because I felt I had to be the strong one, the positive one. My grown children and my elderly mom had enough going on, I felt they didn’t need to hear my fears.

Did You Know?

BHC visits are free, unlimited visits as often as you need them.
They don’t prescribe meds but work with your doctor who can.

Another way for people to deal with anxiety is to form connections. I’ve been going down to the Miywasin Friendship Centre lately to take part in programs. On Tuesday I made it to Bannock and Tea for the first time in months. It was hosted by Mekethia Fairbanks and Andrew Spotted Bull. Andrew made delicious apple cinnamon caramel bannock! Later that evening I attended a special drumming session at Safelink. I saw how one of their clients was enjoying the drumming, they had not drummed in quite some time. It was a beautiful thing to see; I hope to see them again at future events.

Mekethia and Andrew host “I am a Kind Man” sessions a few times a week. The Monday sessions are in the remand centre, the Thursday sessions are for men only but the Friday sessions are open to everyone. I have read part of the “I am a Kind Man” lesson book and it has wisdom that applies to everybody.

These free programs are open to everybody whether you’re indigenous or not. I learn something new every time I go. The drumming is soothing to me, I try to attend every chance I get even if I keep messing up on the beats (sorry about that Mekethia and Andrew). The sharing circles makes me feel like part of a community. I think I will attend one of the “I am a Kind Man” sessions as well.

This Saturday there’s a Round Dance in the Medicine Hat College Gym starting at 6pm. I love to go to Round Dances, I find the drums and the singing to be soothing and restorative.

For Those of You Who Are Struggling

If you got out of bed today, I’m proud of you!

If you stayed in bed today to take care of yourself, I’m proud of you!

You don’t need to compete with anybody else. All you need to do is to steadily improve yourself. Some days you will slide back but as long as you keep going forward, you will make progress.

Trauma Causes Mental Illness

Trauma Causes Substance Use Issues

Connection Helps Heal Trauma

Life is Short

Drum and Sing

Eat the Bannock

Make Connections


Round Dance Info

List of BHCs in Medicine Hat

Miywasin Centre Newsletters with Event Calendars

Pets can be great for mental health. CB the Truck Kitty helped saved Carl’s sanity when he was trucking. When it was blowing and snowing and he was chaining up on Roger’s Pass, this little critter put a smile on his face.

If you cannot adopt, you can always foster. It’s good for the critter, it’s good for you.

A win-win!


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