Fully Baked Hot Takes - Opinion - McBride's Bakery

McBride’s Bakery has been writing some Facebook Posts about the Municipal Mutiny. The Trash Panda thinks they should be shared here. We also think their baked goods should be shared with everybody, especially the lemon squares.

Here is the latest political post, unabridged. Originally posted on Facebook June 24 2024.

Councillor Robins, welcome to your new seat.
I’d like to offer you a different take on the view from there.

First, know this: the most legitimate thing about the council meetings you’re presiding over is the fact that Clark is attending them. Can you see how lawless the Seven of you would look if she weren’t sitting there?

Look around the table. Which of your shipmates do you think would have taken the smackdown you gave Clark and still be showing up for meetings? Do you think any of those three boys could have handled it, getting publicly stripped of rank like that and their pay cut in half? Would they still be sitting here? Would you?

When Clark shows up at council meetings, McGrogan and his hunting buddies arrogantly think they’re displaying their kill. What’s actually happening is that Clark is eating s**t for you so that Council can continue to function. Mayor Clark is helping you, for heaven’s sake. I hope you’ve thanked her.

McGrogan enjoyed his six weeks in the spotlight, and has written his own caption: “I just wanted to give something back, to serve my community. Things got a bit rocky, but I did what I had to do and now I’m no longer involved, no longer accountable. Nothing is my fault, no one can question me. Now Hirsh, Dumanowski and I are gonna go spend the summer in Clugston’s garage playing beer pong and talking about bitches. Good luck, everyone.”

Now it’s your turn, Councillor Robins, and you are in the paper and on the news. You’re doing great. I saw you handle the Mayor’s FOIP requests, the ‘shitshow’ meeting, and others. You’re a great asset to council. There’s only one problem: you’re still part of a secret conspiracy which carried out a grossly disproportionate attack on a Mayor who has a vastly greater electoral mandate than any of you, and the members of which are still cynically denying the public an explanation for their actions.

McGrogan has already announced his retirement. You took the Chair and almost immediately followed suit. If you have both lost interest with more than a year to go, why not reinstate Clark, who, I presume, actually still WANTS to do her job? You just gave an interview to CHAT news and said anyone who wants to know what’s going on can just ask you. Ok, I’m asking you:


[T-shirts are available at the bakery at cost price ($25.)]


Fully Baked Hot Takes - Opinion - McBride's Bakery