Fully Baked Hot Takes - Opinion - McBride's Bakery

McBride’s Bakery has been writing some Facebook Posts about the Municipal Mutiny. The Trash Panda thinks they should be shared here. We also think their baked goods should be shared with everybody, especially the lemon squares!

Unabridged. Originally posted June 24 2024 on Facebook

Have you ever grounded your child for three months?
Or taken away their phone for three months?
Or their allowance?

What did they have to do to deserve this punishment?

Or, have you heard of any athlete on a professional team getting a 3-month suspension? Or a cop? What did they have to do? Could a suspension like that happen without any good reason?

That’s where we are now with City Council’s furious attack on Mayor Clark. It’s been three months, and still not a single word of explanation.

Maybe the comparison to an unruly teenager or overly aggressive linesman isn’t suitable. Maybe we should compare to a driver who has lost their license and cannot get it back unless they meet a bunch of demands imposed by the judge, regardless of how long it takes. Doesn’t this only happen when the driver’s list of infractions shows that they are a clear menace to society if they continue behind the wheel? Is that what we see when we watch Clark question Mitchell during the Aug. 21 council meeting? Nonsense. No reasonable observer can watch that video and find any reason for the severity of the sanctions imposed on Clark.

It’s been three months, and we still await, from any of the Seven, a comprehensible answer to the question:

What did Clark do?

These things have happened:

>McGrogan, Dumanowski, Robins, Hirsch, Knodel, Hider and Van Dyke met in secret one night, and forged a deal, and a pact. The deal is that the Mayor gets put in chains, and eventually dumped and left for dead. The pact is for group loyalty and silence.>Immediately afterward, McGrogan goes on a victory tour. As Deputy Mayor, he becomes the Chair at council meetings. For the next month he is everywhere, on TV, the front page of the newspaper, giving speeches on the steps of city hall. He takes a moment to state that he doesn’t want the Mayor’s job, but he fits into it like a glove.

>Ted Clugston appeared on TV for no reason other than to say he knows what’s going on, but he won’t tell us.

>In an impressive display of self-deception, Councillor Robins repeated two or three times (while discussing whistleblower matters), that “It is Important not just that justice is done, but that justice is SEEN to be done.” I too was gobsmacked. Robins clearly thought she believed this principle to be foundational, all evidence to the contrary. It gets even better:

>Van Dyke said in council “I’m in a no-win situation. If I vote this way it’ll seem like I don’t have faith in staff, and if I vote that way it’ll seem like I’m against transparency, and neither of those are true.” It’s like she thought joining this conspiracy was supposed to turn out win-win.

>One of the Seven came to the bakery one day and told me face-to-face that the sanctions are too harsh, but the Mayor was hard to get along with, so…

>We have been treated to a YouTube video, produced by the City, in which Hider asked us to engage in informed dialog and McGrogan told us to gain a full understanding before forming opinions. Sounds great. Would either of them reveal why they sacked the Mayor? I would dearly appreciate being one of the informed people.

>Finally, in the most disorienting spectacle so far this year, I went to the Aware Day of Action on the steps of City Hall, because the cognitive dissonance of Andy McGrogan speaking in public - and critically - of Bill 20 was almost literally causing my head to explode. There had to be something I wasn’t getting.

At the end of his talk, the man who sacked the Mayor in a midnight coup and has since never left the spotlight, said he was happy to talk to anyone as long as they were respectful. Respectful to him, I believe he was saying.

I assumed he would be struck by a lightning bolt quite immediately as he stood there like a duke on the steps of City Hall; but in the next moment Kym Porter gave him a hug, not 10 meters from someone holding an Enough is Enough UCP sign, and I think right then and there space-time reality just ripped apart for me.

WHY am I still sitting at my computer typing these things, three months later, while McGrogan gives speeches at City Hall looking like he just stepped off a cruise ship? All I want is a straight answer to the question:



Fully Baked Hot Takes - Opinion - McBride's Bakery


Fully Baked Hot Takes - Opinion - McBride's Bakery