Please Support Independent Media

For over a year I’ve been investigating and posting my findings for free. I was recently hired by Community TV so I can keep doing what I am doing.

Tom approached ME, he wasn’t advertising for an employee. He loves my work and wants me to be able to keep doing what I’m doing. He makes enough to pay his bills, now he wants to make sure I have enough to pay mine. He can’t afford to pay me very much right now but that will change if we get more supporters.

Community TV isn’t big enough to qualify for government support like our local legacy media is. Tom must earn every nickel by selling/creating advertising, finding sponsors and supporters of independent media.

Tom makes it very clear that his sponsors /advertisers DO NOT support or agree with everything posted, they DO support Independent Media.

Tom and I are beholden to none. We can’t be bought, we write the stories nobody else will touch. The mere fact that we’ve been dubbed an “Unholy Alliance” means that we are pissing off all the right people.

Posted on reddit, the r/medicinehat on May 2 2022.

Last week I was approached by someone who has been supporting me from afar. They said they could not show public support due to someone they knew worked for or with the City. They gave me a cash donation in person, they did not want to send it in any way that created a record. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, your kind words made my day!

One of the conditions of my employment is that Tom doesn’t tell me what to cover, I pick my own stories. We might collaborate on stories, he has a lot of local knowledge I lack.

(Before 2021 all my energy was focused on my family especially the care of my late husband Carl when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I was Carl’s health care advocate and I advocated for him with WCB Alberta when they denied his claim for a work injury. Later I was his caregiver.)

I’m paying much closer attention to local issues now and I’ve made some good contacts during the campaign, people also trust me enough to send me tips.

So please, if you want me to keep doing what I’m doing, please consider sponsoring what we do – a one time donation, a monthly sponsorship or hire him to do some advertising/video work. If you tell Tom I sent you, I’ll get a cut of any advertising revenue. If you tell him a donation is only for me, he’ll make sure I get it. He knows better than most what happens to people who piss me off. ;)

Please Support Independent Media!

#kasosumh #communityTV #independentmedia #wcbAB #cancer #advocate


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